
Perioscopy is the utilization of a small dental endoscope allowing us to magnify aspects of the tooth’s anatomy below the gum line. This tiny fiber optic camera is less than 1 mm in diameter and is equipped with lighting, magnification, and video capabilities. This new micro-technology helps to improve efficiency during deep cleaning procedures by permitting us to visualize tarter buildup on the root surface and ensure removal of these deposits. The endoscope can also be an excellent form of technology allowing us to view the root surface when analyzing them for fractures, retained cement around restorations, and many more diagnostic benefits! It’s commonly used in conjunction with LANAP, a highly innovative treatment that has been shown to stimulate bone regeneration nonsurgically.

With perioscopy, we identify areas of bacteria present below the gum line and clean them with very small, ultrasonically powered probes called micro ultrasonics. Images from the endoscope are displayed on a chair-side video screen so you can see them. The goal of perioscopy is to get your teeth’s roots exceptionally clean and thoroughly remove bacteria from deep pockets. Patients will typically see a decrease in bleeding and inflammation and their risk of disease progression will diminish.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will having perioscopy hurt?
You will be numb and not feel any discomfort during this procedure. Most patients reports minor tenderness the night of the procedure that is similar to deep cleanings.
Are there additional procedures I will need after perioscopy?
Sometimes perioscopy is recommended by our doctors to enhance the effectiveness of a deep cleaning or to help remove something dislodged in the gum, in these situations additional procedures are usually not required. Perioscopy is also utilized in preparing patients for laser therapy and for helping to diagnose fractures in teeth. In these situations you can expect additional visits with our doctors to follow-up on the appropriate treatment.
Does my insurance cover perioscopy?
Insurance does not usually cover perioscopy; however, our insurance specialist is happy to help you navigate your benefits to find out!

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